Global Certified Public Accountant Workshop

GCPA_Workshop 11June _Webheader

Join us for an exclusive 2-day workshop tailored for experienced accounting professionals, where you'll gain direct insight into the Global Certified Public Accountant (GCPA) program.

As we approach the implementation of the program, we would like to invite senior members of the IPA group and our associates to participate in a pilot of the GCPA. This pilot will offer a preview of two professional skills assessed within the GCPA. These skills are aligned with the Australian National Microcredential Framework and over the course of two days, the pilot program will provide an overview of the GCPA framework, showcasing its unique, relevant, and flexible credentialing process.

Key Information


Sunday 21 - Tuesday 23 July

Grand Pacific Hotel, Suva

20 CPD Hours


$1,000 AUD

$1500 FJD


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  • Day 1: A welcome dinner preceding the senior leadership workshop in Fiji, providing an excellent opportunity to connect and network before the sessions begin.
  • Day 2: Participants will engage in envisioning future scenarios within a local context riddled with challenges. Through collaborative team efforts and trend analysis, they will craft and explore these scenarios. Subsequently, they will delve into solution development aimed at addressing the issues identified within their scenarios.
  • Day 3: Participants will refine their solutions and prepare persuasive pitch presentations. In the afternoon, they will undergo online interviews, forming a crucial part of the assessment process, facilitated by assessors.

Booking Information

Please note the workshop does not include accommodation and flights, these will have to be booked separately. The workshop will take place at the Grand Pacific Hotel Suva and we have secured a corporate rate of: $380.00 AUD/$575.00 FJD per night / 1 adult inclusive of breakfast to book please contact Karalaini Ravulo on: [email protected]

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