IPA National Congress off to a flying start
The future of accounting: trends for 2015 and beyond is the central theme of the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA) national congress held at the Crowne Plaza in New South Wales’ Hunter Valley over the weekend
Addressing some 400 delegates, IPA chief executive officer, Andrew Conway set the scene in his opening speech today by saying that the role of accountants and the profession is ever changing.
“I foresee the role of trusted adviser becoming more one of trusted productivity adviser,” said Mr Conway
“Accountants wanting to fulfil their clients’ needs in the future have to stay ahead of the pack; be up to date with continual technological advancements, changing regulatory environments, and the impact of globalisation.
“There will be increased demand on the accounting profession to provide a holistic business advisory service that will support the growth and prosperity of clients and contribute to Australia’s productivity and economic wellbeing,” said Mr Conway.