IPA Delegates get deregulation update: Latham
At the Institute of Public Accountants’ (IPA) Tasmanian Congress, Deputy Australian Small Business Commissioner, Dr Craig Latham, provided delegates with insight into the Government’s deregulation agenda.
Dr Latham also spoke of the environment in which small businesses operate in Australia and how their experiences can help to influence government policy development.
Dr Latham’s advice for small business on influencing government policy development includes:
- Be heard – Submit a submission to government on issues that affect your small business. For professional small business advisors such as accountants ensure that clients are aware of reforms and encourage them to engage.
- Understand the regulation agenda – Advice on how to reduce specific red tape is influential.
- Provide evidence – Data and case studies are a good way of demonstrating a point but also focus on a solution.
- Counter assumptions – Just because "everybody knows" something does not make it true. Ensure that policy makers understand the diversity and complexity of your industry.
- Cumulative compliance burden – Connect related compliance issues to provide a richer context and submission. Make policymakers truly understand your industry and challenges.
- Implementation is even more important – Continue to work with regulators by providing ongoing feedback as policies are implemented.